Promote your brand and network with influential key industry professionals at the Construction Industry Golf Day
Raise your brand awareness and build relationships with industry influencers and decision makers. Generate new business contacts or cement existing relationships.
All the options will be sold on a first come first basis and include two players per sponsorship.
(Note some images are for illustrative purposes only and subject to change)
Nearest the Pin
One Company Only
$4,000/ event
- Nearest the pin competition sponsored exclusively by your company
- Option to brand the hole as you please
- Your logo on all marketing collateral
- Your logo on all onsite event branding collateral
- Two players from your company to be paired with potential or existing client
- Special thank you announced at the presentation dinner
- Presentation of prize to the winner on stage
Gold Sponsor
One Company Only
$15,100/ event
- Exclusive to one company
- Choice of two golf merchandise sponsorship options subject to availability (e.g. golf shirt and golf towels)
- Opt-in registration/attendee data shared with you post event
- Pre event email blast sent to all attendees on your behalf
- Post event email blast sent to all attendees on your behalf
- Option to brand the hole as you please
- Your logo on all marketing collateral
- Your logo on all onsite event branding collateral
- Four players from your company to be paired with potential or existing client
- Special thank you announced at the presentation dinner
- One par 3 hole to run your own competition
- Presentation of prize to the winner on stage
- First right of refusal for next event
Longest Drive
One Company Only
$4,000/ event
- Nearest the pin competition sponsored exclusively by your company
- Option to brand the hole as you please
- Your logo on all marketing collateral
- Your logo on all onsite event branding collateral
- Two players from your company to be paired with potential or existing client
- Special thank you announced at the presentation dinner
- Presentation of prize to the winner on stage
Sponsors & Partners
Thank you to all our amazing sponsors and partners – it’s simply not possible without you!